CATEGORY-BAND: ALL|160M|80M|40M|20M|15M|10M
Clamed score IS NOT IMPORTANT (you can don't count points and multlires).
Thanks to everyone for your cooperation and assistance in this transition. Please, use COR-LOG software to bring your log accordingly to Cabrillo format.
If you don't know how to put your log in Cabrillo or aren't sure the format is correct, send your log anyway. All questions about logs would be sent to e-mail: for help.
RDA-SECTION: (only for Russian station)
OPERATORS: [required for multi-op stations]
SOAPBOX: [add lines if needed]
QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 VK3ABC 599 001 RL3A 599 MA
QSO: 14256 PH 2004-03-20 1201 VK3ABC 59 002 YM2ZF 59 005
QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1202 VK3ABC 599 003 RA1ARJ 599 SP
QSO: 28530 PH 2004-03-20 1205 VK3ABC 59 004 EM1U 59 010
QSO: 7012 CW 2004-03-20 1205 VK3ABC 599 005 WA6MIC 599 001
QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 RL3A 599 MA VK3ABC 599 001
QSO: 21012 CW 2004-03-20 1200 RL3A 599 MA RM0A 599 KK
--------info sent------- -------info rcvd--------
QSO: freq mo date time call rst exch call rst exch
QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn ****** ************* nnn ******
QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 VK3ABC 59 001 RL3A 599 MA
For MO2T Entry
QSO: 14045 CW 2006-03-18 1202 RO4M 599 UL PA0ADT 599 001 0
QSO: 7001 CW 2006-03-18 1202 RO4M 599 UL RL3A 599 MA 1
QSO: 7001 CW 2006-03-18 1202 RO4M 599 UL RA1AIP 599 SP 1
Updated 23.2.2011
This page contains FAQ about Russian DX Contest. Soon this page will be updated with new questions, so please visit this page later, if you didn't find question of your interest. If you have not found answer to your question, you can ask Contest Committee via E-mail and get answer. If your question is of some interest to many hams, we can bring it on the RDXC site.
1. Why do those who want to get to the TOP 3 need to send their logs within 36 hours?
It is not a secret to anyone that when a whole month or more is available until the log deadline after the end of every contest, a majority of serious contesters start cleaning their logs. Contest rules do not prohibit such procedures, so they are quite standard. They include call sign checks with different databases, logs comparison with friend’s logs as well as running-through personal audio recordings with calls and serial number/ID/zones' corrections. In the end, the number of mistakes in the log gets lower and the final contest score gets bigger.
Now let's imagine an athlete who runs 3000 meters instead of a contester doing the contest. The athlete crossed finish line in 4th place but thought he had made some mistakes, so he wants to correct them while running the same distance again. During his second try he doesn't make that many mistakes and comes in 3rd, so he is to be a Bronze medalist.
Is it realistic? Of course, it is NOT!
Reducing the log deadline for leading stations to 36 hours will be an extra case for fair play. It says to the leaders that their mistakes during the contest will cost them a lot since they won't have much time for log checks, so try not to make mistakes during the contest.
2. If I operate in a certain category and then it turns out no one else entered that category, am I still denied a Top 3 place even though I'm the only one in the category?
It is unrealistic not to have competition in any of the contest categories as demonstrated by the contest scoring archives.
All first three places in a particular category will be empty only if we have no logs with QSO frequencies. This way the highest score can only achieve 4th place.
Points gained
AA1AA 100.000
BB2BB 90.000
CC3CC 80.000
Final standings
1. --------
2. --------
3. --------
4. AA1AA 100.000 no CAT frequency
5. BB2BB 90.000 no CAT frequency
6. CC3CC 80.000 no CAT frequency
3. If my score is highest in my category but I didn't indicate QSO frequencies, am I still denied 1st place?
Yes, you will not be awarded any of the final Top 3 places.
Points gained
AA1AA 100.000
BB2BB 90.000
CC3CC 80.000
DD4DD 70.000
EE5EE 60.000
FF6FF 50.000
GG7GG 40.000
HH8HH 30.000
Final result
1. CC3CC 80.000
2. DD4DD 70.000
3. EE5EE 60.000
4. AA1AA 100.000 no CAT frequency (не указаны частоты)
5. BB2BB 90.000 no CAT frequency (не указаны частоты)
6. FF6FF 50.000
7. GG7GG 40.000
8. HH8HH 30.000
4. Can I qualify for Top 3 places if my computer (radio) failed to read frequencies during the contest and reboot didn't help?
You may qualify for Top 3 if you send a note to the Judges with your log within 36 hours after the end of the contest specifying what kind of problems you experienced. In this case the final decision is made by the Judges.
5. Can I send my contest log in K1EA, N6TR, EI5DI etc formats?
No, you can't. Starting 2011 all contest logs must be in CABRILLO format only.
6. Should contest logs be printed out after the contest?
If a computer was used to log contest QSOs or enter paper QSOs in the electronic format, the contest log must be E-mailed as a CARBRILLO-format file.
7. I would like to enter my paper log's contest QSOs into the electronic format. What is the best way to do so?
It is mandatory to convert your paper log into electronic format and then to the CABRILLO-format file to send to the Judges. You can use our RDXC software which allows you to enter QSOs after the contest.
8. Do I have to state duplicate QSO's in my electronic or paper log? Should I remove dupes from my log at all?
All you QSOs in the RDXC, including dupes, are to be enter into your log. You don?t have to mark dupes, - our software will do this for you..
Dupes charged as 0 points, no penalties.
Moreover, if the first QSO was not accepted for any reason (say wrong exchange received), the second QSO will be counted.
9. What shall I do if I missed some serial numbers or used some of them twice?
Every QSO should be entered into your log, including double numbered. All them will be counted both to you and the other station.
10. Is it allowed to accept another participants? assistance for making log or to enter the other participants` logs into PC?
We welcome PC logs. There are many hams in Russia who assist others to enter logs into PC.
11. What shall I do if after the contest I noticed that my computer clock turned out to be fast (or slow)?
You don`t have to reenter your log again. Just put statement onto summary sheet that your log (or part of it) has time shift, and note the place in the log where the time was shifted.
For those who kept logs in local time, we recommend to do the same. If the entrant made such a statement, all QSOs will be accepted, and no penalties implemented.
12. Can I send my contest log with corrections if I sent one earlier but found mistakes to be corrected?
Yes, judges will accept your latest contest log but only within 36 hours for TOP scorers and within 14 days for others.
13. Is it allowed to work in two different contest entries?
You are allowed to apply for two different entries, provided they are not mixing up. Say, you may apply in two Single Band entries ("SOSB-7" and "SOSB-28"). In this case, state it in your log.
Put all QSOs into one log. Do not use separate numbers for each band, - through numbering is OK. Your scores will be calculated as per your stated entries. You are not allowed to apply for "mixed up" entries, say, for "SOAB-SSB" and "SOSB-21".
14. Can I operate SSB and CW, send 2 separate logs and apply for SOAB-SSB and SOAB-CW separate entries instead of SOAB-MIX?
No, you can't. Double entry is only allowed in Single Band MIX mode.
15. If I applied for two Single-Band entries, should I send two or one log?
One log with all QSOs, and state your two entries.
16. I operated SOAB-CW but made some SSB QSOs as well. Can I send all QSOs in one log and still apply as SOAB-CW or I should send two separate files for SOAB-CW and SOAB-SSB?
You can make any QSOs you wish. There is also no need to create and submit separate logs. You just need to clearly mark your contest entry as SOAB-CW. All other QSOs will be used for log checking.
17. How should you identify the contest entry if it's not written in a summary file?
The exact contest name should be clearly marked in your CABRILLO-format file which you send to the Judges. In case the contest name is not properly marked you will get an E-mail requesting corrections.
Remember that sending the correct contest entry is the responsibility of the sender.
18. Should I sign "/QRP", and what power is legal for this entry?
"/QRP" singing is up to you. There is no special requirement to do this. We assume, this is correct to sign /QRP to indicate your entry and signal level.
This is not a mistake, if another station did not put /QRP into his log. The QSO is still valid.
QRP output power should not exceed 5 Watts.
19. Is this allowed to use CW only in QRP-MIX entry?
Yes, it is. Please, remember, you may contact the same station both in SSB and CW.
20. Will you put me into "Low Power" entry if I forgot to state it in the summary sheet, but stated TRX type (say, FT-1000MP), or power (say, 80W)?
Stating the type of your TRX is not a reason for entering LP entry. You MUST state "Low Power" in the summary sheet.
21. Will you put me into "Low Power" entry if I stated it into summary sheet, but indicated TRX type that is more powerful than 100W (say, FT-1000D), or stated my power more than 100W?
Your TRX type does not indicate radiating power, therefore you will be put into the entry stated in your summary sheet.
In case the entrant stated his power more than 100W, we put him into "High Power" entry. Some entrants may be not aware with "Low Power" limit. If we are not sure, we will usually ask you for your entry.
22. What should I do if I applied for SB entry, but operated a few bands?
It is enough to state your entry on the summary sheet. Put all your QSOs into the log. Your score is calculated as per stated entry.
23. How you determine my entry if I made some QSOs with more than 100W power, and the rest with less than 100W, TRX only, because of PA fault?
In such a case you are HP entry. But you are still allowed to apply for LP, provided you state the QSO that you started into LP. We calculate your score only for your 100W operation.
28. What is the way of determining Club applicants? Is it necessary to send a list of Club members to the Judging committee? How many Club members can apply scores for their club?
An applicant should clearly mark the club name in the contest log.
It is not necessary to send a list of Club members but the Club leader can do it for reference.
Any Club members can apply for the Club entry no matter what country they operate from and the distance to the Club HQ. The number of applicants for each club entry is not limited.
Remember, overseas participants can apply their scores in favor of Russian clubs and vice versa. A participant can apply a score for one Club only.
29. How you calculate foreign club competition points?
Each club result is determined as a sum of all club members' points. There is no restriction for the number of club members.
Please, remember, they are SOAB-MIX entrants who bring the maximum points into club score.
30. Are "check logs" counted for club competition?
Starting RDXC 2002, "check logs" are included into club competition.
31. May a member of two or even more clubs submit his score for two clubs at one time?
One entrant should represent only one club in the contest. If you put a few clubs in your log, your score will go to the first club you stated in summary sheet.
32. Can a participant from Russia being a member of an overseas Club apply his score in favor of that Club?
According to rule 4.2.2, Russian participants may submit their scores in favor of foreign Clubs. A participant’s score may be credited to one club only.
33. Can participants from overseas who are members of a Russian Club apply their scores in favor of that club?
According to rule 4.2.2, participants from overseas may submit their scores in favor of Russian Clubs. A participant’s score may be credited to one Club only.
34. Are there any country and distance restrictions for overseas participants in the Club competition?
According to rule 4.2.1, Club members can apply for the club entry no matter what country they operate from and distance to the Club HQ.
35. Our WWYC club is represented by HAMs worldwide. How should we apply in the Club competition?
According to the rules, Club members can apply for the Club entry no matter what country they operate from and distance to the Club HQ, so you have a good opportunity to show activity throughout the World and have a good score.
36. How should apply for club competition in a correct way?
Put common abbreviation of your club into your log. For example, UCG, UCC, YCCC, etc.
You may send a list of your club competitors, but the main document for us is your log. Please, remind your club members to state a membership for club competition.
Please remember, your club will be in club competition list if there are more than 3 stations applied from your club. A certificate will be sent if there are more than 5 entrants who made more that 1000 QSO.
37. Is a mult counted double, - once for CW, and once for SSB?
No. A mult is counted once per band, regardless of mode.
38. Is packet cluster use allowed? What does Rule 5.1.2 mean, - "Only open networks are allowed for DX announcement"?
All entrants are allowed to use DX cluster. Open networks are common clusters. This Rule is against additional monitoring stations who submit their DX and mult info through closed networks only to the members of the network.
39. Is Skimmer use allowed?
Yes, Skimmer use is allowed.
40. Is it allowed to use WEB stations?
During last ten years, qualitative leap happened in WEB technology. Now, there is a chance for everyone to monitor the air from any point in the world. Sure, this is very interesting. But it is a kind of cheating for competition. Therefore untilization of WEB stations and other means of distant monitoring is not allowed.
41. Is self spotting allowed?
Self-spotting (SSB ONLY) is ALLOWED.
42. Is scheduling (making SKEDs) before the contest permitted?
As in other contests, this is not accepted.
43. Please, interpret Rule 5.1.5 "It is not allowed to use other calls for keeping the frequency on other bands, for making skeds, for moving mults and for DX-spotting".
There are a few examples for better understanding.
MOST (or SO) station runs 20m and leaves a frequency for 15 minutes for the other band. In order to keep run frequency, another station with another callsign starts operate here holding the frequency until the run OP comes back.
Similarly, another station operates other bands and asks a mult station QSY to run station frequency. Self-spotting with another call is also the same cheating case.
44. Why you do not count my PC-keyed QSO, if another station got my call or contest exchange wrong?
A QSO will be counted if both stations sent and received their respective calls and exchanges. It depends not only on the RX station, but TX station also: right keying speed, careful requests, etc. Use of PC is not a guarantee against the wrong operating style.
If a callsign, or contest exchange were received wrong, the QSO is not counted, but no penalty for this.
45. Is there SO2R category? IS it allowed to run two TRX in SO entry?
There is no separate SO2R category in RDXC. It is allowed to use unlimited number of radios, but only one transmitted signal is allowed at any moment.
46. Are there band/mode changes restrictions for SO category?
There are no restrictions for SO. A station is allowed to transmit one and only one signal at any time
47. What means "Single Op", and what restrictions are applied in this category?
All operator actions (CQ, receiving, searching and logging) must be done exclusively by the only person, - the entrant himself.
48. How many operators could be in MOST team?
There is no limit for MOST operators' number.
49. What band/mode change restrictions are applied for MOST category?
There is no restriction for mode change on the same band.
Band change is allowed after 10 minutes. New band operation begins with the first QSO on that band.
Exception: two signals on different bands are allowed to be transmitted if (and only if) you make a new multiplier on one of the band. Mult station may change a mult band not earlier than 10 minutes.
40. How can I get a new mult on other band?
A mult band should be only one. You can change it not earlier than after 10 minutes after your first QSO on that band.
51. Is this allowed to call CQ on the band where only mults are allowed to operate with (say, if the station I’m looking for operates S&P)?
Calling CQ on the mult band is not allowed. In this case it’s impossible to determine what band of the two is RUN or MULT.
It is allowed to call the area directly, for example CQ VK/ZL/
It is neither allowed CQ on the MULT band making only mult QSO, nor making all QSO but leaving mults only in your log.
52. What shoud I do if by mistake I made not-a-mult QSO on mult band?
You should leave this QSO in your log. This QSO will be counted if mistaken once. If you had a few such QSOs, you are counted 0 points, and still no penalty charged. The other station gets all points for this QSO.
53. We have another shack at about 1 km away from our first shack. Can we utilize this second shack using interlock devices?
You can not use the other position since it is out of 500 m distance from your first shack. All antennas and shacks must be within such a circle. All antennas must be physically connected to transmitters. Starting of the Beverage RX antennas also must be within such a circle, however their length could exceed this limit.
MO2T stations are also concerned with this rule.
54. Our software does not allow us to send serial numbers on RUN and MULT bands. Can we send numbers separately by bands?
For your convenience, you are allowed to send serial numbers in the way you like.
The first choice, to send through serial numbers, starting 001 for RUN and MULT QSOs.
The other choice, use serial numbering for that band you are operating on now. For example, you RUN 20m, and send 001. etc. Also, you MULT on 15m with numbers also starting 001. When you finished 15m, you had, say, the last number 020, and you went another bands. When you come back 15m band again, start with number 021, regardsles is the band RUN or MULT.
55. What band/mode change restrictions are applied for MO2T category? Every TX is allowed to make up to 8 band changes within one calendar hour (00-59 minutes).
For example, changing 40m to 80m and back count as two band changes. There are no restrictions for mode changes. The main principle of this category is two transmitted signals on different bands at the same time. New band operation beginning starts from the first QSO on that band. Both transmittesr are allowed to contact any stations, it is not necessary to contact mults only.
56. A correspondent transmitted non-standard oblast ID exchange. What should I put in the log: received ID or standard ID taken from official table?
In both cases, a QSO points will be both counted for you and another station, If there were no other errors.
57. Is it necessary to check received oblast IDs?
We recommend you to do this to avoid errors (say, SM instead HM). If you use software that inserts IDs, there should be no mistakes if you got the call correct. A QSO will be counted even in case if the other station sent you wrong ID.
58. I operated RDXC, bur did not know my correct ID. Started to send YR, then somebody corrected my ID as YA. What should I do then?
You should state this in your log, and note where you finished to send wrong ID. All QSOs will be accepted and couinted both to you and all other stations.
59. Why didn’t participants receive an RDXC results magazine?
Starting in 2010 we do not send out printed result magazines. Our WEB page provides complete information on scores and statistics.
60. How can I get my UBN file (list of mistakes)?
Please send your request to if you have possibility to use emal.
We automatically send UBN files and files with their respective “RUSSIA” award program status during the RDXC, to all who sent us logs by email. This happens after all the results are on our home page.